Напоминаю, что я делаю 2D Волейбол используя Box2D, SFML и C++.
Мне надо сделать такую физику, что при нажатии определенной клавиши 'Q' к примеру, игрок отправлял мяч на сторону площадки противника по параболе. То есть в зависимости от близости игрока к сетки или дальности строилась определенная траектория мяча в виде параболы.
Пример траектории мяча:
Вот код игры:
void game_2_players(RenderWindow & window) { window.setFramerateLimit( 60); Texture texture_court, texture_ball, texture_player_1, texture_player_2; texture_court.loadFromFile( "C://Users/1/source/repos/Game Volley/Game Volley/images/court.png"); texture_ball.loadFromFile( "C://Users/1/source/repos/Game Volley/Game Volley/images/ball.png"); texture_player_1.loadFromFile( "C://Users/1/source/repos/Game Volley/Game Volley/images/player_1.png"); texture_player_2.loadFromFile( "C://Users/1/source/repos/Game Volley/Game Volley/images/player_2.png"); texture_court.setSmooth( true); texture_ball.setSmooth( true); texture_player_1.setSmooth( true); texture_player_2.setSmooth( true); Sprite sprite_background( texture_court), sprite_ball( texture_ball), sprite_player_1( texture_player_1), sprite_player_2( texture_player_2); sprite_player_1.setOrigin( 110, 145); sprite_player_2.setOrigin( 110, 145); sprite_ball.setOrigin( 32, 32); //////////////////////////////////////Box2D///////////////////////////////////// seting_walls( 0, 849, 2000, 10); //нижняя seting_walls( 960, 830, 95, 350); //центральная seting_walls( 0, 0, 70, 2000); //боковая левая seting_walls( 1920, 0, 70, 2000); //боковая правая b2BodyDef body_def; body_def.type = b2_dynamicBody; //////////////////////////////////////Box2D...///////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////players///////////////////////////////////// //1 body_def.position.Set( 4, 10); //4 28 b2CircleShape player_1_shape; player_1_shape.m_radius = 32 / SCALE; b2Body *body_1 = World.CreateBody( &body_def); b2FixtureDef body_1_fixture; body_1_fixture.shape = &player_1_shape; body_1->CreateFixture( &body_1_fixture); body_1->SetFixedRotation( true); const char* player1[] = { "player1" }; body_1->SetUserData( player1); //2 body_def.position.Set( 60, 28); b2CircleShape player_2_shape; player_2_shape.m_radius = 32 / SCALE; b2Body *body_2 = World.CreateBody( &body_def); b2FixtureDef body_2_fixture; body_2_fixture.shape = &player_2_shape; body_2->CreateFixture( &body_2_fixture); body_2->SetFixedRotation( true); const char* player2[] = { "player2" }; body_2->SetUserData( player2); //////////////////////////////////////players...///////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////ball///////////////////////////////////// body_def.position.Set( 5, 1); b2CircleShape ball_shape; ball_shape.m_radius = 32 / SCALE; b2Body *ball = World.CreateBody( &body_def); b2FixtureDef ball_fixture; ball_fixture.shape = &ball_shape; ball_fixture.restitution = 0.95; ball_fixture.density = 0.2; ball->CreateFixture( &ball_fixture); ball->CreateFixture( &ball_fixture); const char* ball_name[] = { "ball" }; ball->SetUserData( ball_name); //////////////////////////////////////ball///////////////////////////////////// while ( window.isOpen( )) { Event event; while ( window.pollEvent( event)) { if ( event.type == Event::Closed) window.close( ); } b2Vec2 velocity; b2Vec2 position; //////////////////////////////////////speed///////////////////////////////////// for ( int speed = 0; speed < 2; speed++) World.Step( 1 / 60.f, 8, 3); //////////////////////////////////////speed...//////////////////////////////////// //is_contact bool is_contact = false; for ( b2Contact* contact = World.GetContactList( ); contact; contact = contact->GetNext( )) { if ( ( contact->GetFixtureA( )->GetBody( ) == body_1 && contact->GetFixtureB( )->GetBody( ) == ball) || ( contact->GetFixtureA( )->GetBody( ) == ball && contact->GetFixtureB( )->GetBody( ) == body_1)) { if ( ( ball->GetPosition( ).Length( ) < body_1->GetPosition( ).Length( ))) { is_contact = true; std::cout << "Есть контакт "; break; } } } //is_contact... //////////////////////////////////////player_1///////////////////////////////////// //check if player 1 on ground bool onGround = false; position = body_1->GetPosition( ); position.y += 17 / SCALE; for ( b2Body* it = World.GetBodyList( ); it != 0; it = it->GetNext( )) for ( b2Fixture *f = it->GetFixtureList( ); f != 0; f = f->GetNext( )) if ( f->TestPoint( position)) onGround = true; //check if player 1 on ground... position = body_1->GetPosition( ); velocity = body_1->GetLinearVelocity( ); if ( Keyboard::isKeyPressed( Keyboard::D)) velocity.x = 5; if ( Keyboard::isKeyPressed( Keyboard::A)) velocity.x = -5; if ( Keyboard::isKeyPressed( Keyboard::W) and onGround) { if ( position.y*SCALE >= 400) velocity.y = -10; } if ( !Keyboard::isKeyPressed( Keyboard::D)) if ( !Keyboard::isKeyPressed( Keyboard::A)) velocity.x = 0; if ( Keyboard::isKeyPressed( Keyboard::Q)) { if ( is_contact) { velocity = ball->GetLinearVelocity( ); ball->SetLinearVelocity( 30 / velocity.Length( ) * velocity); //ball->SetAngularVelocity(45); } } body_1->SetLinearVelocity( velocity); //////////////////////////////////////player_1...///////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////player_2///////////////////////////////////// //check if player 2 on ground bool onGround_2 = false; position = body_2->GetPosition( ); position.y += 17 / SCALE; for ( b2Body* it = World.GetBodyList( ); it != 0; it = it->GetNext( )) for ( b2Fixture *f = it->GetFixtureList( ); f != 0; f = f->GetNext( )) if ( f->TestPoint( position)) onGround_2 = true; //check if player 2 on ground... position = body_2->GetPosition( ); velocity = body_2->GetLinearVelocity( ); if ( Keyboard::isKeyPressed( Keyboard::Right)) velocity.x = 5; if ( Keyboard::isKeyPressed( Keyboard::Left)) velocity.x = -5; if ( Keyboard::isKeyPressed( Keyboard::Up) and onGround_2) { if ( position.y*SCALE >= 400) { velocity.y = -10; } } if ( !Keyboard::isKeyPressed( Keyboard::Right)) if ( !Keyboard::isKeyPressed( Keyboard::Left)) velocity.x = 0; body_2->SetLinearVelocity( velocity); //////////////////////////////////////player_2...///////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////ball max speed///////////////////////////////////// velocity = ball->GetLinearVelocity( ); if ( velocity.Length( ) > 15) ball->SetLinearVelocity( 15 / velocity.Length( ) * velocity); //////////////////////////////////////ball max speed...///////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////draw///////////////////////////////////// window.draw( sprite_background); for ( b2Body* it = World.GetBodyList( ); it != 0; it = it->GetNext( )) { b2Vec2 position = it->GetPosition( ); float angle = it->GetAngle( ); if ( it->GetUserData( ) == player1) { sprite_player_1.setPosition( position.x*SCALE, position.y*SCALE); sprite_player_1.setRotation( angle*DEG); window.draw( sprite_player_1); } if ( it->GetUserData( ) == player2) { sprite_player_2.setPosition( position.x*SCALE, position.y*SCALE); sprite_player_2.setRotation( angle*DEG); window.draw( sprite_player_2); } if ( it->GetUserData( ) == ball_name) { sprite_ball.setPosition( position.x*SCALE, position.y*SCALE); sprite_ball.setRotation( angle*DEG); //std::cout << angle; sprite_ball.setColor( Color::Red); window.draw( sprite_ball); } } window.display( ); //////////////////////////////////////draw...///////////////////////////////////// } }
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