

24 дек 2007

Создал канал #linuxdev в сети IRCNet.ru.
Так что заходите, если вам интересна разработка игр под линуксом или для линукса.

в качестве серверов можно использовать irc.bsim.ru, либо irc.nov.ru

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7 окт 2007

PPC32 версия opensuse 10.3 становиться практически без проблем на Sony PS3

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12 сен 2007

подробности/версия для i386/amd64 - тут


4 авг 2007

OpenGL GLSL Debugger
для Linux x86/amd64
подробности тут - http://www.vis.uni-stuttgart.de/glsldevil/


2 мая 2007

Linux x86, Linux x64, Solaris x86/x64, FreeBSD x86
OpenGL 2.1.2(третья реализация GL 2.1 по нвидиевской легенде).
статус бета. работает стабильно


20 окт 2006

собственно, сабж для x86/amd64, базируемый на детонатор 90х

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3 окт 2006

The AGEIA PhysX SDK v2.6 now supports physics simulations for applications developed for Linux operating systems, and supports hardware acceleration for applications running on Microsoft Windows Vista.


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23 сен 2006

Release Highlights

    * Added initial support for GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap.
    * Added new "Display Configuration" page in nvidia-settings.
    * Improved workstation OpenGL performance in Xinerama.
    * Added support for NVIDIA Quadro Plex.
    * Added support for Quad SLI.
    * Improved X driver error recovery.
    * Improved workstation overlay performance.
    * Added SMBus functionality to the Linux/i2c interface.
    * Fixed DFP scaling support.
    * Added support for OpenGL 2.1.
    * Added new "TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder" X configuration option to control the order of display devices when in TwinView.

supported Linux x86 & amd64, FreeBSD x86 and Solaris x86/amd64

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28 мая 2006

завёл Xgl на новой Suse 10.1. прикольно выглядит(не хуже OSX/WinVista) (картинку положу в первое сообщение в форуме из-за крос-поста в ЖЖ)
одно но

OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 6600/PCI/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 1.2 (2.0.2 NVIDIA 87.56)

GL 1.2 и список расширений из стандартной Mesa/X11 GL реализации :-(.

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20 мая 2006

12 апр 2006

SlickEdit is a multi-platform, multi-language code editor that enables power programmers to create,
navigate, modify, and debug code faster and more accurately. Whether used as a complementary editor or as a stand-alone development tool, SlickEdit’s quick response time and many useful features allow you to get more done in less time with the power to meet ever more aggressive deadlines.

New features

Additional Quick Refactorings
Quick Refactoring provides operations based on the Context Tagging engine rather than parsing and type analysis, like our C++ Refactorings. These operations are available on C++, C#, Java, and Slick-C. Quick Refactoring is generally faster and less stringent than C++ Refactoring. 

Regex Evaluator
The Regex Evaluator provides the capability to interactively create and test regular expressions.

Specify Tag Jump Order
For C/C++, specify whether to jump to a symbol's declaration or definition when conducting tag navigation. 

Enhanced Auto-Completions
Auto-Complete offers suggestions for how syntax, keywords, symbols, and lines of code may be completed by the editor. It works by looking at the word prefix under the cursor and using several different queries to find and suggest completion options. Each of these types of suggestions can be individually enabled or disabled. 

Font Support for Linux using Xft
SlickEdit now supports Xft fonts for Linux. 

Vim Emulation
The vi emulation has been extended to include Vim functionality. The emulation has been renamed as Vim emulation.

... http://www.slickedit.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&i… 411&Itemid=57

SlickEdit® Cool Features

вообщем супер IDE


10 апр 2006

вышла новая версия mesa 6.5 - из основных вещей - поддержка GLSL, расширений GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit, GL_ARB_half_float_pixel и прочих.

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8 апр 2006

не совсем Unix only, но и для этого сгодиться.
- профайлы: GLSL, D3D SM3
- поддержка COLLADA

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8 апр 2006

- Added support for GLX 1.4.
- Added support for running OpenGL applications while the Composite X extension is enabled..
и прочее.

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16 мар 2006

The main features in Lua 5.1 are a new module system, incremental garbage collection, new mechanism for varargs, new syntax for long strings and comments, mod operator, length operator, metatables for all types, new configuration scheme via luaconf.h, fully reentrant parser, and more.

Ссылка | Комментарии [6]


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